For those of you who don't know me personally, I received a Kindle for Christmas and am, to put it mildly, hopelessly addicted. I have so many books I want to read and am struggling with which to download first. One of my 2010 intentions (I am not a fan of resolutions) is to read 3 books per month, one nonfiction, one fiction, and one that is primarily educational/informational (i.e. books that are job-related, news-related, finance-related, you get the idea). This month I conquered these so far:
1. Nonfiction: Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert
2. Educational/Informational: Freakonomics
3. Fiction (downloading to my Kindle as we speak): Still Alice by Lisa Genova
I can't wait to get started on that last one and am starting to appreciate the Kindle...only $6.39 for that last read!
Happy Reading! Anyone care to share some favorites for next month?
Rock the Kindle
Bay Window Crisis I found a solution. It seems that it is not an easy task to dress a bay window. But I feel mine looks a bit naked so I have finally completed my search with a Bay Window Curtain Rod I found on was more than I hoped to pay but works perfectly in the window. I searched at both Home Depot and Lowes and asked staff for their guidance but they had never heard of a rod specifically designed for a bay window and suggested plantation shutters or three separate rods.
I purchased the three separate rods and came to the conclusion that the effort to get them hung at the exact same heighth combined with the price of the corner connectors ($15) would be about equal to the price of the Bay Window Rod.
Here is the finished product. I already had the curtains (made painstakingly by Mom) so wanted to make sure I used them in the new place.
Here is the curtain rod I purchased:Here are some additional photos for inspiration:
I will post pictures of my own window in just a few :)
Happy Sunday!